The homepage was significantly simplified with the January 2025 launch, and now includes 5 primary areas, 3 of which are managed by ICM:
- Quick Links
- Important Dates
- Marketing Flex Area
- Most Viewed
- Recommended For You
Review the descriptions and submission requirements for each managed area below. To submit a request for content to be featured on the homepage, work with your marketing strategist to complete this form.
Quick Links

This area consists of 4 links across the top of the page. Different links appear dynamically based on the following categories:
- Logged in, member
- Logged in, member (less than 30 days before membership expiration)
- Logged in, non-member
- Guest (Not logged in)
A customized quick link may be appropriate if the desired action would only apply to a certain category of visitors (e.g. members) and does not require a text blurb or image. (Example: “Vote in the ASCO Election”)
- Short title (40 characters or less)
- Publish start and end dates
- Visitor Category
- Link
Important Dates

This area is used to highlight 3-5 important dates. The primary use of the important dates area is to feature upcoming ASCO Meetings, but when space allows, this area can also be used to highlight other events or activities. Each tile can have up to 3 CTA buttons (up to 2 visible at one time) that are time-bound and will appear based on open and close dates
- Title (50 characters or less)
- Image (360 by 140 pixels; required)
- Publish Start and End Dates
- Event Start and End Dates
- Event Location
- Tag (“Meeting”, “Event,” “Save the Date,” “Application Open,” “Voting Open”)
- CTA (at least 1, up to 3 maximum) Each CTA requires the following:
- CTA text (e.g. “Submit Abstract,” “Register”)
- CTA link
- CTA footer label (optional; appears underneath the CTA along with the CTA end date)
- CTA start and end dates (these dates determine when the CTA will appear)

Marketing Flex Area

This area is the most flexible space on the homepage. It appears only when in use, and includes a title, text area, CTA button, and an optional image spot. Requests for spots in the flex area should be for campaigns that are relevant to most visitors. In general, we will run spots for 1-2 weeks at a time – requests for longer spots can be discussed on a case-by-case basis.
- Title (32 characters)
- Image (optional; 437x246px)
- Blurb (450 characters max if an image is included, 600 characters max without an image)
- Publish Start and End Dates
- CTA link
Most Viewed
This area automatically pulls content from Meetings Abstracts, Posters, Videos & Slides, and JCO Journals, and is not managed by ICM.
Recommended For You
This area automatically pulls recommended content based on interests listed in the ASCO profile for logged-in users, and shows a “Sign in to see more” box for non-logged in users. This area is not managed by ICM.
Submit an homepage request