Check for Driver Updates (Windows 11)
If you are having issues with your microphone, webcam, keyboard or mouse, are experiencing screen flickering, or can't connect to your printer, you can check for driver updates to see if there are pending updates waiting.
A driver, or device driver, is a software program that allows a computer's operating system to communicate with hardware devices. Without drivers, devices won't work properly or at all.
Follow the steps below to check for driver updates on your Windows 11 laptop.
First, check for Windows updates:
1. On the toolbar, click the magnifying glass next to the Windows start button. This will open the Windows search bar. Type 'check for updates' and then click the app that appears at the top of the list under Best Match. This will open the Settings app.

2. On this screen, if there are pending Windows updates, you can click the Download & install all button to apply them. This may require your laptop to restart to complete the installation.

3. If you do not see any pending updates, you can click the Check for Updates button to load them. If nothing loads, your system is up to date.

Next, Check for optional (driver) updates:
1. To check for driver updates, you will need to navigate to the Advanced options section under More options.

2. Look for the Optional updates button. If there are any pending updates, it will show them as available. Click that to go to the next screen.

3. Click the Optional updates drop down and then select the checkbox next to all available updates (You may have more or less than what is show in this screenshot). Then, click Download & install to apply them. This may require your laptop to restart to complete the installation.

4. If you do not see any pending updates, but are still having issues, please submit a service desk ticket and an agent will assist you.